Sortengarten - Theme trail
Route information
Route length : 0,9 km
Difficulty : medium
Hiking time : 0:23 h
Ascent : 50 m
Descent : 24.8 m
Start Point : Marketplace in Zeltingen
End Point : Marketplace in Zeltingen
From the Zeltinger market place, where every two years the operetta "Zeltinger Himmelreich" is performed, follow the St. Stephanstraße up into the vineyards. Passing the church and cemetery, you walk along a farm track through an underpass. After the hairpin bend you soon meet the dirt road which branches off into the variety garden. The Moselle trail is also marked here, which leads you steeply up to the edge of the slope, to the Zeltingen Schützenhaus and on to Bernkastel-Kues.Public transit
Bernkastel-Kues: Taxi Edringer: (0049) 6531 - 8149, Taxi Priwitzer: (0049) 6531 - 96970, Taxi Reitz: (0049) 6531 - 6455
Parking facilities in the village.
Getting there
Coming from Bernkastel, follow the B53 in the direction of Koblenz through Graach to Zeltingen-Rachtig.
WanderGuide - the hiking brochure in the Bernkastel-Kues holiday region. With description and map (only in German).
Sturdy hiking boots and food if necessary.Impressions
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