Parking facilities and parking tickets in Bernkastel-Kues

If you visit Bernkastel-Kues by car, there are plenty of parking options. Good parking options are offered by the hotels or alternatively the parking lots and parking garages in the town. Whether in the parking garage or on the two banks of the Moselle - here you will find useful tips and information about parking in Bernkastel-Kues.


Parking lots


Car parking tickets


E-charging stations

Parking by car

Fees are payable from April 1 to December 31 of each year, daily from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (If Easter falls in March, the fee begins on Good Friday). Parking ticket machines are available at all parking lots.

Parking fees for cars (except Altstadtparkhaus and hospital):

  • 1. Hour: 1 Euro
  • Each additional hour: 1.50 euros
  • Maximum daily rate: 12 euros

Multi-day parking tickets can be purchased at the Mosel Guest Center on site or online in advance:

  • 3-day parking ticket: 12 euros
  • Weekly parking ticket: 18 euros
  • Monthly ticket: 25 Euro
  • Three-month ticket: 60 euros
  • Annual ticket: 90 euros

1 hour short-term parking with parking disk

  • Gestade in Bernkastel, exit of Graach
  • Parking lot at the Brückenkeller, Kues ( 2 slots)
  • Bahnhofstreet/Friedrichstreet, Kues


Parking lots
Charging stations for e-cars
Parking with the motorcycle

Motorcycles can park free of charge in the designated parking spaces:

  • Motorcycle parking spaces on the banks of the Moselle below the "Alter Moselbahnhof" restaurant
  • Motorcycle parking spaces in Bernkastel under the bridge

Motorcycles are subject to charges in all car parking spaces. In this case, the fee information and parking ticket for cars apply.

Parking with buses

Bus parking lots

  • Moselufer Gestade in Bernkastel (P3)
  • Friedrichstraße Kues (P5)
  • Siemensstraße Kues

Chargeable all day from Monday to Sunday

  • 1. Hour: 5 Euro
  • Each additional hour: 1.50 euros
  • Maximum daily rate: 15 Euro


Parking for people with disabilities

There are 10 parking spaces for people with disabilities in the large Moselle parking lot in Bernkastel:

  • 5 parking spaces next to the "Alter Moselbahnhof" restaurant in the direction of Graach
  • 1 parking space between the municipality and the Moselle bridge at the wall
  • 5 parking spaces below the municipality next to the jetty
  • 2 parking spaces below the Hotel Bären

Another parking lot is located at the visitors' parking lots of the municipality.

Otherwise, people with disabilities can also use all other parking spaces, provided they are not subject to any other restrictions. The parking fee does not apply if the parking facilitation is displayed.

How far is it to Bernkastel-Kues?

Cologne175 km
Frankfurt150 km
Freiburg350 km
Munich520 km
Nuremberg360 km
Berlin680 km
Hamburg580 km
Bremen465 km
Amsterdam390 km
Brussels260 km
Paris460 km