Winery Walter and Birgit Brauer
The Walter and Birgit Brauer winery is located in the Moselle town of Piesport. Walter and Birgit Brauer have been running their winery together since 1978. The tradition lives on in the winery.
The Walter and Birgit Brauer winery is located in the Moselle town of Piesport. Walter and Birgit Brauer have been running their winery together since 1978. The tradition lives on in the winery. The family vineyards are located in the Piesport vineyards Goldtröpfchen, Günterslay, Falkenberg and Treppchen. Besides the traditional Riesling, Rivaner and White Burgundy are also cultivated. The entire processing is in the family's hands. The vineyards are cultivated in an environmentally friendly way, therefore only a minimum of plant protection and fertilization is used. The wines can be tasted at a wine tasting on site.
Opening Hours
Wine tastings are available on request.
Weingut Walter und Birgit Brauer
Römerstraße 39
54498 Piesport
(0049) 6507 5756
Weingut Walter und Birgit Brauer
Römerstraße 39
54498 Piesport
(0049) 6507 5756