Winery Otto Selbach

The Otto Selbach winery is located in the Moselle village of Kesten. The family has been growing wine on the Moselle since 1840. Today the vineyards are Kestener Paulinshofberg, Paulinsberg and Herrenberg as well as Veldenzer Kirchberg.
The Otto Selbach winery is located in the Moselle village of Kesten. The family has been growing wine on the Moselle since 1840. Today the vineyards are Kestener Paulinshofberg, Paulinsberg and Herrenberg as well as Veldenzer Kirchberg. Besides Riesling, Rivaner, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris and Bachhus wine are also used. The red wines include Rotling and Rose, Dornfelder and Spätburgunder. You can taste the wines at a wine tasting with the winegrower. You can also spend the night in the holiday flats and guest rooms directly at the winegrower.


Opening Hours
Wochentage Zeitraum
Montag – Samstag 08:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Wochentage Zeitraum
Sonntag 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Wine tastings are very welcome on request.
Weingut Otto Selbach
Moselstraße 22
54518 Kesten
(0049) 6535 7036