Winery Metzen
You will find the Metzen winery in the Moselle village of Wintrich. The family has been growing wine on the Moselle since 1800. Since 1984 Norbert Metzen has taken over the business from his parents.
You will find the Metzen winery in the Moselle village of Wintrich. The family has been growing wine on the Moselle since 1800. Since 1984 Norbert Metzen has taken over the business from his parents. The winery is located just outside Wintrich in the Wintricher Stefanslay area. The Riesling is the most frequently cultivated wine, with 40% of the cultivated area. The range is supplemented with the grape varieties Kerner, Rivaner, Ortega and the red wine varieties Dornfelder and Spätburgunder. You can get to know the wines during a wine tasting at the winery.
Opening Hours
Wine tastings are very welcome on request.
Weingut Metzen
Kurfürstenstraße 10
54487 Wintrich
(0049) 6534 1297
Weingut Metzen
Kurfürstenstraße 10
54487 Wintrich
(0049) 6534 1297