Hotel-Restaurant Deutschherrenhof

In the Deutschherrenhof restaurant, you can experience Moselle cuisine in a unique atmosphere. The historic Knights' Hall, seasonal specialities and sparkling wines from the Moselle make every visit a special experience.

A culinary journey that combines tradition and modernity awaits you at the Deutschherrenhof restaurant. Embedded in the historical ambience of the 800-year-old building, you can enjoy the finest Moselle cuisine here. From seasonal specialities to sparkling Moselle wines - every dish is prepared with attention to detail and refined with exquisite ingredients from the region. Our different areas make every visit a special experience: the impressive Knights' Hall takes you back in time and provides a unique backdrop for a princely meal. The pantry, our modern section, combines stylish design with indulgence. In the bakery, where bread was once baked, you will experience a rustic and cosy atmosphere. The sun terrace invites you to enjoy the Moselle scenery in glorious weather, while the romantic inner courtyard enchants with its special charm. A place that combines enjoyment, hospitality and history in a unique way.


Opening Hours
Wochentage Zeitraum
Montag – Donnerstag 17:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Wochentage Zeitraum
Freitag – Sonntag 12:00 - 21:00 Uhr

Breakfast daily 7-10 am

Coffee and cake daily 12 - 4 pm

Kitchen opening hours: Monday - Thursday 5 - 9 pm Friday - Sunday 12 - 9 pm

Deutschherrenhof GmbH
Deutschherrenstr. 23
54492 Zeltingen-Rachtig
(0049) 6532 9350