Winery H.P. Schreiner

In the Moselle village Wintrich you will find the H.P. Schreiner winery. The manor house of the Martinerhof was built in 1765. The first documented mention, however, dates back to 1302. In 1975 Hans- Peter Schreiner took over the parental winery.
In the Moselle village Wintrich you will find the H.P. Schreiner winery. The manor house of the Martinerhof was built in 1765. The first documented mention, however, dates back to 1302. In 1975 Hans- Peter Schreiner took over the parental winery. He changed from barrel wine marketing to direct marketing. Nearly all wines are developed in the dry and fine-tart segment. Characteristics of the winery are the clean processing of the must and the late harvest of the grapes, as the natural fruit acids are still to be metabolized on the vine. The wines are slowly fermented in stainless steel tanks. If you would like to spend your holiday on a winery, the winery's guest rooms are at your disposal.


Opening Hours
Wochentage Zeitraum
Montag – Freitag 08:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Wochentage Zeitraum
Samstag & Sonntag 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Wine tastings are very welcome on request.
Weingut H.P. Schreiner
Moselweinstraße 84
54487 Wintrich
(0049) 6534 426