Municipal and tourist office Graach

The tourist information in Graach helps you to find accommodation in hotels, pensions and holiday flats.
The friendly team of the tourist information will assist you with your holiday plans. This includes organization of wine and indulgence weekends, day trips, hiking or cycling tours, as well as bus or boat trips. The team also supplies you with information material and maps of Graach/Schäferei and the nearby villages.


Opening Hours
Wochentage Zeitraum
Dienstag 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Wochentage Zeitraum
Donnerstag & Freitag 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Gemeinde- und Verkehrsbüro Graach
Hauptstr. 94
54470 Graach
(0049) 6531 2541