Bus stop Neumagen, Realschule Plus

At this stop you can use lines 220, 221, 304, 330, 332 and 334.

At this stop you can use lines 220, 221, 304, 330, 332 and 334.

You can find more information and detailed timetable information at https://www.vrt-info.de/fahrplanauskunft/XSLT_SELTT_REQUEST?itdLPxx_page=ttb&itdLPxx_contractor=vrt&language=en


Opening Hours
Wochentage Zeitraum
Montag – Sonntag 00:00 - 00:00 Uhr
Bushaltestelle Neumagen Realschule
Balduinstr 15
54347 Neumagen-Dhron