Blasius Fountain

St. Blasius fountain by sculptor Scherl, which was restored in 1987. The upper part of the fountain represents a grain ferry, which indicates that the village of Krames was originally predominantly agricultural.
St. Blasius fountain by sculptor Scherl, which was restored in 1987. The upper part of the fountain represents a grain ferry, which indicates that the village of Krames was originally predominantly agricultural. The stone trough on the left and the symbolized pig on the right, into which the water pours, also refer to this. The fountain was named after the patron saint of Krames, to whom the church is dedicated.


Opening Hours
Wochentage Zeitraum
Montag – Sonntag 00:00 - 00:00 Uhr
Unser Dorfladen/Tourist-Information Klausen
Eberhardstraße 10
54524 Klausen
(0049) 6578 985859