DVD Nikolaus von Kues

Nikolaus von Kues, Latinised Nicolaus Cusanus or Nicolaus de Cusa (* 1401 in Kues an der Mosel, today Bernkastel-Kues; † 11 August 1464 in Todi, Umbria), was a universally educated German philosopher, theologian, cardinal and mathematician who was already famous during his lifetime. He was one of the first German humanists in the period of transition between the late Middle Ages and early modern times. Nicholas played an important role in church politics, particularly in the disputes surrounding church reform. At the Council of Basel, he initially sided with the majority of council participants who demanded a restriction of the Pope's powers. However, he later switched to the papal camp, which ultimately won the upper hand. He campaigned vigorously in favour of papal interests, showed diplomatic skill and enjoyed a glittering career as cardinal (from 1448), papal legate, prince-bishop of Brixen and vicar general in the Papal States. In Brixen, however, he encountered massive resistance from the nobility and the sovereigns, against whom he was unable to prevail.


Gestade 6
54470 Bernkastel-Kues
(0049) 6531 500190
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Veranstalter: Mosel-Gäste-Zentrum
Gestade 6
54470 Bernkastel-Kues
(0049) 6531 500190

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