Jubiläumskonzert "20 Jahre König-Weimbs-Orgel"
Anniversary concert to mark the 20th anniversary of the inauguration of the Rachtiger organ. To mark the occasion, the Förderkreis Kirchenmusik St. Marien invites you to an organ-plus-concert on Sunday, 9 March at 6 pm in the Marienkirche. The entrance fee is €15. Tickets are available at the box office. Advance ticket sales: Martha Eltges Tel. 06532 3434 e-mail: martha_eltges@web.de Kurt Schaaf Tel. 06532 4322
6 March marks the 20th anniversary of the inauguration of the Rachtiger organ. To mark the occasion, the Förderkreis Kirchenmusik St. Marien invites you to an organ-plus concert on Sunday, 9 March at 6 pm in the Marienkirche. Together with organist Theresia Thiesen, Marc Podschadly, Volker Klein and Thomas Maur will perform on their trumpets and Volker Montermann on his timpani. The programme includes works by Buxtehude, Bach and Mendelssohn Bartholdi. The concert concludes with Fireworks Music for organ, timpani and trumpets by George Frideric Handel. Afterwards there will be refreshments next to the church. The entrance fee is €15. Tickets are available at the box office. Advance ticket sales: Martha Eltges Tel. 06532 3434 e-mail: martha_eltges@web.de Kurt Schaaf Tel. 06532 4322
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Förderkreis Kirchenmusik St. Marien-Rachtig54492 Zeltingen-Rachtig
Telefon +49 6532 4610
E-Mail martha_eltges@web.de